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Monthly Archives: September 2014
Parallelogram: Shopping
\One ex-pat experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Lisa\Montreal\ You are the primary go-getter for your family and home. How and where did you shop in Madison? Three words: Amazon, Whole Foods, Target and in that order. Whole Foods I … Continue reading
Intersection dwellers
• Street Scenes • The first week we were here Trevor and I test drove about three different cars. I didn’t admit to the first dealer guy that that was the first time I’d ever driven in Puerto Rico ha ha … Continue reading
A suspicious and untimely friend
Yesterday while my two kids napped I needed to head over to the security guard at the front gate. As I walk to the five short blocks there I was surprised to find someone following me. Surprised and scared. It … Continue reading
Coffee Behind Closed Doors
Being somewhat scattered the first few days here, we have made multiple and repeated runs to various grocery stores. The one I think I’ll frequent the most regularly, Pueblo, I took photos of all the aisle signs so I know … Continue reading
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Tagged coffee, corn, grocery stores, plantains, produce, Puerto Rico