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Tag Archives: shopping
Parallelogram: English as a Second Language, UPDATE!
\One experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Laura\Mayaguez What have you been doing to practice your new language since you moved? Listening to Pimsler audios but that didn’t usually work very well with screaming kids in the background. I have … Continue reading
A thanks to my daughter for letting me ‘use her’
I need to thank my blonde haired blue-eyed fearless two-year-old daughter. Every time we go out shopping no matter where we are, she gets reactions from those around us. Particularly the women. “Que lindo!” I hear over and over again. It means … Continue reading
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Tagged blonde, making friends, Mayaguez, neighbors, Puerto Rico, shopping
Parallelogram: Shopping
\One ex-pat experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Lisa\Montreal\ You are the primary go-getter for your family and home. How and where did you shop in Madison? Three words: Amazon, Whole Foods, Target and in that order. Whole Foods I … Continue reading