Sultana shuttle


where’s the sleeping boy???

We left Puerto Rico for several weeks this summer. Parking at the San Juan airport that long would’ve been crazy expensive.  We used the Sultana shuttle service from Mayaguez to SJU airport. $175 cash will take you door to door privately (not picking up anyone else). Totally worth it.

They give you a number to call when you land, they pick you up and off you go home.  But brush up on your Spanish. They don’t speak English. (I totally had my neighbor call for me–yeah, it’s cheating! But what a Godsend!)
What I really liked was that the driver was totally willing to stop for a potty break.  I had no idea there were public bathrooms on the side of the road by the tolls.  Super clean and ACTUALLY had toilet paper.  Unheard of!



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5 Responses to Sultana shuttle

  1. Cassie says:

    Good to know about Sultana! You might also consider flying out of the little Mayaguez airport if you or Trevor ever fly alone. It’s a small plane (8 or 10 seats) and goes straight to San Juan in about 30 minutes for about $100 round trip. For four people that might be a bit much, but so much easier and quicker than driving through San Juan traffic.

    • Laura says:

      We did look into flying into Mayaguez or even Aguadilla but you are right – for four people it was nearly $500 more. Sultana was the cheapest option. But yes when we fly alone that is the more convenient option 🙂

  2. Tonie says:

    My hubby took Sultana before from Quebradilla to SJU before we had a car and he said that the ride was good but the only problem was having to wait for the car a long time. The flight came in really early like 3am and nobody came until about 5-6am. Regardless, he got home safe and sound after calling another publico driver to bring him up to the house. The Sultana leaves him on Carr. 2 by McDonalds and it was too long a walk to our house.

    About Aguadilla airport, it is the best choice for us and we recently had visitors come in and go out of there and it was wonderful since it only takes us 30 mins to get there. They have a few airlines that go out of there and hopefully more to follow. It is a great little airport and it even has a tourism office there and a souvenir shop and a couple of restaurants. Try it next time.


    • Laura says:

      Thanks for the info. All the flights coming and going from Aguadilla seem to happen in the middle of the night. What airline should I look for for day flights?
      Also, if you hire Sultana for a private trip they will drop you off right at your house, and monitor your flight in case you come in early 🙂

  3. Cassie says:

    The only one I’ve seen in the day at Aguadilla is Jet Blue. But there may be others.

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