English below..
Voy a practicar mi español ahora porque está blog hoy es para mis amigas y amigos en Puerto Rico quien no ven nieve antes. A conducir carros en nieve puede dar miedo. Hay un poco reglas que pueden ayudarte.
Siempre hay idiotas que conducen demasiado rápido. Usualmente ellos conducen en el ‘ditch’ (zanja?). Nieve es muy resbaloso.
Today’s post is for my Puerto Rican friend who have never driven in snow. Driving in snow can be scary. There are a few rules to follow.
There are always morons who drive too fast and end up in the ditch. Snow is slippery.

Cuando el niño entra el carro, pídales que golpear a sus pies juntos para eliminar la nieve. when putting your kid in the car, have them click their heels together to remove the snow

chaquetas de invierno son demasiado grandes para utilizar en el asiento del coche. eliminarlos antes de usar el cinturón. winter coats are too bulky to wear in the car seat so you have to take them off before you put their seatbelt on

limpie el capó del coche o la nieve soplará en el parabrisas. wipe off the hood or the snow will blow into the windshield.

supongo que donde los carriles son porque las líneas están cubiertas por la nieve. guess where the lanes are because the lines on the road are covered up with snow
Ahora estas listos a conducir en nieve. Y también, oro a Díos. Jaja
Haha! Love it…thanks for the reminder why we moved here (partly to not have to deal will all that snow and cold). Your Spanish is coming along great! Here are a few helpful hints for your continued growth in the language. If these are not desired in the future just let me know.
For next steps, check out present perfect tense. It will be tremendously useful (por ejemplo: no han visto nieve instead of ven).
Also here are a few helpful verbs: “Conducir” is a great way to say drive, but in Puerto Rico we use “guiar” which also means to guide. “Quitar(se)” is the verb to remove clothing rather than “eliminar” which is closer to literally elimate. And “adivinar” is the word for guess. Also you can use “prender” instead of in “encender” -though both are used sometimes. (Oh and culo is a bit vulgar…try nalgas or pompis -haha 😉 )
Also practice por and para (the title of this post should be para). Like ser and estar, subjunctive and imperfect tense it’s hard for English speakers because we don’t really use these. Just takes time/exposure.
¡Felicidades por haber podido escribir un post complemente en español! ¡Qué chévere!
To be honest I put chunks of phrases into google translate because I was writing this on my phone. Yeah, I know the pluperfect or whatever you called it. I need to practice it more. I’ve pretty much given up on poor vs para ????