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Tag Archives: Mayaguez
I have chikungunya
Little did I know when I wrote my last post about Chikungunya that I already had it. Started with some joint pain in my thumb. Then my entire spine hurt, then hips. Crappy, searing pain. Last night I went to … Continue reading
Chikungunya. Hard to say, nasty to get. A mosquito bites you. You get a fever, then your joints ache something fierce. Which can stick with you and flair up for 6-12 months. Fun! So far the outbreaks have been mostly … Continue reading
Cafes: the continuing search
My daughter has been helping me continue my search for the best cafe in Mayaguez. Or rather, she comes along because I promise a snack. The rather small with crazy parking cafe called “Clara’s” was an instant hit. Friendly staff … Continue reading
Parallelogram: Thanks Giving Away
\One experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Lisa\Montreal This is your first Thanksgiving away from Madison. If you were still there, how would you celebrate? Unless we were invited to someone else’s Thanksgiving, we would not celebrate on our own. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged ex-pat, holidays, in-laws, Madison, Mayaguez, Montreal, relocation, Thanksgiving
Parallelogram: English as a Second Language, UPDATE!
\One experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Laura\Mayaguez What have you been doing to practice your new language since you moved? Listening to Pimsler audios but that didn’t usually work very well with screaming kids in the background. I have … Continue reading
Halloween – no mani
The Halloween hype lived up to my expectations. There was a wonderful mood in the neighborhood as everyone prepared for Halloween trick or treating. Decorations popped up the afternoon of the 31st (and were taken down on Nov 1!) Our … Continue reading
Parallelogram: My New Neighborhood
\One ex-pat experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Laura\Mayaguez Tell me about your old Madison, Wisconsin neighborhood. We rented a house on the west side of Madison. Quiet, friendly, beautiful, playgrounds abounding, with ‘secret’ walking trails that wound behind the … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged crime, ex-pat, gated community, graffiti, Madison, Mayaguez, Montreal, neighbors, parenthood, Plateau, security
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Graffiti art
I see a lot of graffiti around my city. Thankfully, most of it is interesting and thoughtful. Some political, some advertizing city events. I tried to snap pics from the car because you know, we don’t walk here.