A thanks to my daughter for letting me ‘use her’

I need to thank my blonde haired blue-eyed fearless two-year-old daughter.

Every time we go out shopping no matter where we are, she gets reactions from those around us. Particularly the women.

“Que lindo!” I hear over and over again. It means “how cute.”

a Walmert employee put this on her head.  No, we didn't buy it

a Walmert employee put this on her head. No, we didn’t buy it

This leads to a little more interaction with the locals than I probably would’ve had otherwise. Even if it’s just a couple of words and I shyly look away because I don’t know what to say in Spanish, her cuteness helps break the ice.

They love it when she says "hola!"

They love it when she says “hola!”

Yesterday the kids were playing out in the front “yard”.  The neighbor next-door in the tan house (who we haven’t met yet) came outside to take out his trash. I was little distracted by taking pictures and doing other things on my phone and I didn’t get the gumption to say hello to him until he was all done and back inside.  Beating myself up about a lost opportunity, I was excited when the mother of the house came home and said hello out her window but then also disappeared inside of her house. I was a little dejected.

My daughter insisted that we go knock on their door and say hello. She did this by grabbing my hand and dragging me down the sidewalk ha ha. I said no because I could hear they were starting supper and talking inside and we talked nicely way in their house. Plus I don’t know if they spoke English or not.
But she insisted and I thought well, I don’t want to be bold and I want to make friends so this is how we do it.  With kids in tow we walked over the 25 feet to the tan house next-door.

They were so welcoming they were so nice and yes they all spoke English. Even the seven-year-old. Though I did get to practice a little of my Spanish. The mother is an ER doctor. How convenient is that to have one of those next-door?  She was very nice and even gave us an apple juice to drink. And said if we needed any help at all don’t hesitate to come on over.  Thankfully while we were there their slightly hyper dog was outside in the backyard which helped. 

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2 Responses to A thanks to my daughter for letting me ‘use her’

  1. Margarett Rubio says:

    Thank you I know my kids estan muy lindos!

  2. Margarett Rubio says:

    Thank you I know my kids estan muy lindos! you know, it only takes one or two people to introduce you to many people.

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