Coffee Behind Closed Doors

Being somewhat scattered the first few days here, we have made multiple and repeated runs to various grocery stores. The one I think I’ll frequent the most regularly, Pueblo, I took photos of all the aisle signs so I know how to layout my grocery list (I hate backtracking in the store.  Yes, I got lots of stares).


Now I have to translate them…

Thankfully there are some natural food stores around here. I have yet to go to one but the two other mainstream grocery stores I’ve been to have made me chuckle about a few things

All the imported produce is saran wrapped into bunches. A.k.a. almost all produce is saran wrapped.


oh hell no. I'm paying this much for corn that probably came from Wisconsin? Yes. Because it's one of the few veggies my kid each.  Dammit.

oh hell no. I’m paying this much for 3 ears of corn that probably came from Wisconsin? Yes. Because it’s one of the few veggies my kids eat. Dammit.

Anything that looks like it could’ve been local is a fruit or veggie I did not recognize!

what the heck are these?

what the heck are these?

The ground beef is made into cute little volcanos, probably to show you that it isn’t gross inside.


A very traditional Puerto Rican dish is a lot of plantains. I didn’t even know  Goya had this many products, especially in the frozen foods. Good thing plantains are tasty and gluten-free!

IMG_9667 IMG_9666

And lastly what made me laugh the most is that the coffee is locked up behind the checkout counters. You know, where the cigarettes are kept in the United States. Ha ha.

behind locked doors

coffee behind locked doors

Sadly I have yet to find the whole bean where you can grind it up right at the store.

I’ll report more later when I hit all the health food stores.

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3 Responses to Coffee Behind Closed Doors

  1. Jean Truesdale says:

    It’s neat to think you will someday return to the continental US will an extended range of cooking skills and ingredients. Your family will have developed more sophisticated palates along the way. Both are good survival skills in a changing world – and fun.

  2. Brenda Bravo-Kapper says:

    The 4th picture lower right is a fruit if you slice it open it is a beautiful orange-red color an big black seed. It is delicious.( Mamey) Aji dulce is sweet peppers- green pepper.

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