I forgot I missed

We are making our way back to Wisconsin via Atlanta for the holidays. Already I’m observing things that I didn’t know I missed:

1) Squirrels. I was practically giddy to observe the squirrels in my sister’s backyard. There are no squirrels, chipmunks, or rabbits in Puerto Rico. I didn’t realize how much I missed these annoying, messy creatures.
2) Steaming hot showers. We have a solar powered water heater at home. So the water never gets very hot or very cold. I love me a too-hot shower.


Water heater and reservoir on our roof

3) Heavy blankets on a cold night. mmmmm…..snuggle….snuggle….

4) Smooth roads. Nobody knows potholes like Puerto Rican streets.

5) Understanding everything said around me.

Things I’m already missing about PR:

1) the warmth (duh)

2) speaking Spanish (I was saying ‘gracias’, ‘hola’ and ‘con permiso’ to the people in the Atlanta airport. They didn’t know spanish)

3) the blue blue skies

4) my neighbors

5) the fact that my skin and lips never got dried out

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6 Responses to I forgot I missed

  1. Ha! Welcome … back! We’re in Vermont for a second and I’m fighting the urge to say Bonjour instead of Hello. I think it’s a good sign.

  2. Jean Truesdale says:

    I always look forward to returning north and south each trip we make. December’s darkness and sepia color palette is a surprise, as usual, but the cheery Christmas lights are a welcome sight. Bring on the crisp cold and snow, but hold the damp icy rains.

  3. Hi there! I just came across your blog! We also just moved to Puerto Rico (well, in September 2014) from Dothan, alabama. We live in isabela. Love your blog btw. I look forward to following your adventures. Isn’t PR just the best!?! Adios!

    • Laura says:

      Hola Jennefer! Yes, I am truely enjoying living here and was looking forward to coming back to the warmth after our winter holidays. Maybe we can meet up sometime.

  4. My husband is currently in West Virginia for a month of training and he’s only been there 3 days and he’s SO ready to get back to the sunshine and warm weather! I would love to meet up sometime! Let’s stay in touch! 🙂

  5. Pingback: A non-rainy rainforest  |

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