Laser beams and senior photo campaigns

It’s  election year here too in Puerto Rico. Posters are up all around town.  Each one makes me think of a senior photo headshot. 

A fence outside our nighborhood

My neighbor told me Sra Evelyn is positioned to win. And apparently she’s my neighbor! Huh.

He’s got a minivan!

Those who have enough money slap their faces on the side of a vehicle.  Also, why not blare your message from the HUGE speakers mounted on top of a truck? Everyone wants to hear it. Even while they are getting a massage. 

But she has a guagua! (bus)


I don’t plan on voting, but if I did, I might have to vote for Evelyn.  Because…laser beams are coming out of her head! 

Laser beams!!!


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One Response to Laser beams and senior photo campaigns

  1. Britton says:

    I notice the laser beams now and say “Pew! Pew! Pew!” when we pass a poster…lol.

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