Trains: Quest for tunnels

My son loves trains. We used to walk on the railroad tracks in Wisconsin and hear the train whistles from our house. ‘Twas so saddening to tell him there are no trains in our new city.
It was with excitement that we began to find out there were remnants of the old trains that used to run around the country. Old abandoned engines and tunnels…
We went on the hunt.
Last weekend we explored El Tunel de Guajataca near Quebradillas. It’s super easy to get there, though a local told us there are often thefts in the parking lot so we parked right up in front

Bloody hot day. I recommend bringing water on your walk. Because yeah, we didn’t. There are no restrooms at this beach either.


Short enough to not need flashlights. And only smelled a little


Pose by the graffiti in the creepy carved out room kids


Hot and tired. I recommend tennis shoes if your kids are picky about sand in their sandals.


Beautiful views

 It was a success!
Then we ventured over to Aguadilla. There’s a fun area (Parque Cristobal Colon) down by the ocean where I’m guessing, in yesteryear it was a pretty hoppin’ place. Next to the basketball courts is an old mini train parked in a tunnel/shed. Technically I don’t think I know the public is not supposed to go back here. But trains! Three year old boy – come on!
The beer bottles and other litter suggest that we weren’t the first trespassers.  I will duck under fences and into an unauthorized area to soothe my boy’s train loving soul. What mama wouldn’t?  Besides I love to snoop around.
The roof had collapsed. So of course we brought our kids right in.

The roof had collapsed. So of course we brought our kids right in.

I didn't mention that she was standing in a big ol' spider web.

I didn’t mention that she was standing in a big ol’ spider web.

Walking on the tracks of the small train

Walking on the tracks of the small abandoned train

Until the next train hunt….

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5 Responses to Trains: Quest for tunnels

  1. Diane Palmert says:

    Such a shame this wasn’t and up-and-running train. Hope D appreciated the adventure though.

  2. Pingback: Trains: Tren Urbano |

  3. Pingback: Aguadilla Tree House |

  4. Elmer says:

    Wow I’m glad I found this. I was in Puerto Rico last week and seen the old mini train tracks and I was so curious about it. Today I remembered that I wanted to look up some info about it and I stumbled upon your blog and noticed that it was published many years ago, I’m sure your kiddos are teenagers now, I hope they still love trains. My 9 year old and my 6 year old loved seeing your pictures of the old train and wish it still existed. Thank you for sharing.

    • Laura says:

      I’m so glad this info helped! I hope you have a fun trip on the island. The train phase has pretty much passed for my kiddos but exploring abandoned things will never get old 🙂

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