Ruta Panoramica

It’s there on the map.  A faint purple line that transects the entire island. The Panoramic Route through the mountains.  We’re mountain driving pros, right? Let’s go see what we see.

edited-0002 edited-0026 edited-0030 The route starts/ends in Mayaguez so it was an easy start. We weaved, we wended.  We missed a turn, we back tracked. We saw a few vistas, but it was not a scenic drive like in the Rockies. Mostly you get to see what life is like up in the hills.

edited-0021I don’t think I could ever live that far away from a major city.

We ended up in the tiny town of Maricao.  Small square, but a cute Cafe Gelato where we had lunch. This town has a coffee festival in February 🙂

edited-0041 edited-0042 edited-0097 edited-0033 edited-0067 edited-0049All that twisting and turning on the way home made my head dizzy.  Sadly, I think I’m getting old.

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3 Responses to Ruta Panoramica

  1. Barbara Schutt says:

    Hello, Laura, I’ve been reading some of your blog and love it! I have a question, which PR coffee do you prefer? We are headed to Rincon early Feb. and want to find good coffee. Bless!!

    • Laura says:

      I’ve only tried Cafe Rico – in the red bags, but I heard Coqui is good. Personally, I prefer frlavored coffee which I haven’t found here, so I brought a bunch back from WI with me 🙂

      • Barbara Schutt says:

        Thanks, for the reply, Laura! Actually we’ve always taken coffee with us, too, but wanted to try out PR coffee this trip. Take care~

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