Being from Wisconsin makes you pretty cool in the aviation world. It doesn’t really matter the rest of the time. haha
This is simply because the EAA Airventure fly-in every summer at the Oshkosh airport is one of the biggest in the world. And we go every year!
A man named Jorge contacted Trevor because we are EAA members and they are putting together an EAA chapter here in Puerto Rico. So when they had a pancake breakfast in Arecibo – we were so there!
We flew there in our minds but our butts rode in the car. Everyone was friendly and welcoming. You never know how these things will go so this was fantastic and made the trip worthwhile.

Making pancakes
Our kids putzed out in the heat and sun but we were able to make many new contacts before the kiddos whined too much. I knew that most of the guys there assumed Trevor was the pilot but my hubby made sure everyone knew we both had licenses. He’s awesome that way.

The kids were literally crawling all over us, like, the whole time.
Ski divers peppered the sky periodically.

Trevor and Steve – nice guy

We met Antonio
Several other pilots had been to Oshkosh before. Maybe we’ll meet up with them next July! It was hard keeping track of all the new names but we took notes.

William’s seaplane garnered much attention
I’m so glad we went!