About Me

About Laura

IMG_7886About Laura

Hola! I’m Laura. I was born in Wisconsin where I’ve lived all my life except for a year of college near London, England. My kids Mr. D and Ms. P were both born in Madison, but as of August 2014 my husband Trevor and I moved the fam to Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Yep, it’s the Caribbean life for us! I’m also a photographer, baker, pilot, dancer, and selfie pro since 1993.

Thank you for being here.  I hope you packed your Dramamine.

8 Responses to About Me

  1. Pingback: iPeace | Black Panty Salvation

  2. Joe Pinzone says:

    Dear Alan

    Dear Lauren and Lisa,

    My name is Joe Pinzone and I’m casting an international travel show about expats moving abroad. We’d love to film in Central America/Caribbean and wanted to know if you could help us find expats who have moved there within the last 15 months or have been there for 3-4 years, but recently moved into a new home. The show documents their move to a new country and will place the country in fabulous light. The contributors on the show would also receive monetary compensation if they are filmed. If you’d like more information, please give me a call at 212-231-7716 or skype me at joefromnyc. You can also email me at joepinzone@leopardusa.com. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Joe Pinzone
    Casting Producer
    P: 212-231-7716
    Skype: Joefromnyc

  3. John Anderson says:

    Hey, my family and I (two sons age 4 and 2) are planning to move to Puerto Rico early next year and was wondering if you had any advice on areas to scout out in November when I’m out there.
    Also do you know of which schools are best out there for when our 4yr old starts in September?

    • Laura says:

      Hi John,

      What part of the island are you thinking of moving to? Each is very different. The west side here has a very laid back vibe. Not a lot of crime or traffic, but it rains a little bit more than the east side. San Juan area I heard has heavy traffic (and crazy drivers) and is heavily rationing water now because of a drought. Fun to visit that area though. I thoroughly like Mayaguez. There are not a lot of Americans here, but there is a university so it has that vibe, and there is lots to do. There is a high concentration of Americans in Rincon, which also has a nice farmers market (as does Aguadilla).

    • Robin says:

      Hi John —
      How’s the hunt coming? My 3 year old will be starting school next fall too, most likely in Puerto Rico. Hope you are finding good answers. If you have any good resources, please pass them on!

  4. Robin says:

    Okay so I would LOVE to hear from you. My husband and I are (hopefully) about to pack up our 2 kiddos (age 3 and 4 months) and move to Puerto Rico as of this autumn. We are from Minnesota originally and are just coming off 4 years in Hong Kong – so we’re going a completely different route for us this time around.

    I have contacted a few people here and there, but specifically want to talk to someone with children in the West of PR. We are looking at houses in Cabo Rojo, Mayaguez (area), and Rincon but a key factor still unknown is schooling for our youngest. I would love some help from someone “on the ground.”

    Hope to hear back from you – we are excited about all to come and can’t wait to get the ball rolling!

  5. caleb says:

    Found your blog and I love it!

    I’m actually planning on moving my family to Puerto Rico, in Aguadilla, around this July. We already found the perfect house and are working out the lease …

    I wanted to ask you, did you use a moving company to get your stuff down there? If so who did you use and would you recommend them?

    Anything you wish you did differently?

    Moving is always stressful, but I’ve NEVER moved even to another state much less to another island!

    Would love it if you had any advice for another American family looking to make the move to Puerto Rico 🙂

    All my best,

    P.S. I tried to find a “contact” form on your site, so I could send this more privately through email, but I could only find this about page. Feel free to use my email address that I used to comment to email me to continue this conversation!

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