19 guys and 2 girls are in a bar…

My Mom was in town for a bit and Trevor and I took the opportunity to have a date.  An actual date!

I miss the Opus Lounge in Madison something fierce.  It was our favorite place to go for frou-frou drinks.

As happenstance would have it, I spotted a cocktail bar in downtown Mayaguez the very day of our date. Let’s go.


The facebook directions were NOT correct.

Isola. Downtown Mayaguez. 19 guys inside and I doubled the female count just by walking in. I told the bartender to make me something fruity (he spoke English). He gave me their version of Sex on the Beach = Isola Sex. ok. ‘Twas yummy. We nabbed some dominoes on the bar and took the best seat in the house.

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A guy informed us that a domino tournament would be starting soon and the prize was a bottle of rum! Considering we didn’t even know the real rules of the game, we just nodded, smiled and said gracias.

The male/female count settled at 25 to 4 as the night eased on. I wanted to have another Isola Sex but nobody wanted to see a gringa stumble out (“Sure they do” said Trevor. huh.)


You know it’s a hot date when you whip our your phones to Wiki “how to play dominoes”

We decided chicks don’t come here because they guys were all about the, “dude we could win a bottle of rum!” domino tournament.

I'm in for the rum!

I’m in for the rum!

$30 for 4 drinks and 3 little appetizers.  We’ll be back. When’s Mom’s next visit?

These crabby thingys were too crabby.

These crabby thingys were too crabby.


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