A Day in the Life on a Carribean island – WITH KIDS

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And today I read the post about a day in her tropical life.  It sounds fantastic. I should move to a tropical island so I can blog about lazy days like that. Oh wait…  I live on a tropical island, and I blog about my lazy days.  Hrm.  Let’s clarify this for everyone even though it is blatantly obvious:

Living the “tropical life” can look two ways: with and without kids.  I suppose having older, self sufficient kids is different.  But I don’t know about that yet.

I have to schedule my tropical adventures around nap times

I have to schedule my tropical adventures around nap times

Here’s my typical weekday:

Wake the kids up at 7am.

Make their breakfast, remind them to pee about 4 times before demanding that they do it, pushing them in the car and driving 15 minutes up a steep mountain to school.

Return home to feed the younger kid a second breakfast. Flush a large beetle down the toilet.

Get tutored in Spanish for a half hour on our patio while trying to entertain my daughter. Today was special – she got a spanish app game!

Make her lunch she may or may not eat. Whisk away to the grocery store, then drive up mountain to get son from school. He sleeps on the way home and wets his pants.

It’s Monday, so the babysitter comes while I get some work done on my laptop while sitting on the bed upstairs away from the kids.

Remind myself that I need to find a doctor to treat my varicose veins and go to Sams Club to get new tires.  Not sure if I have enough spanish vocab do to this easily.

Make dinner, clean up, play with kids.  Spend 45 minutes doing bath, stories, and songs.  Hope kids fall asleep in a reasonable amount of time because it’s already 9:15pm.


I’m not complaining. I LOVE my family, and my kids. But kids will be your responsibility, and you will be working your butt off raising them wherever you live. Tropical or not.

Someday I will relax more leisurely and hopefully my kiddos will be there relaxing with me, right? I squeeze in fun time now as much as I can. Este es la vida, no?

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5 Responses to A Day in the Life on a Carribean island – WITH KIDS

  1. Haha! This cracked me up, Laura! There are definitely lots of things about life everywhere that remain constant: raising kids as a full-time job being one of them! I’ll try to get one of my friends with kids to let me diary her day one of these weeks, just for you 😉 hope you get a minute to yourself to watch the sunset tonight!!

  2. Diane Palmert says:

    Laura Laura Laura. Enjoy these days. They grow up so fast. Just take a deep refreshing breathe and remember you are going through all the trials and tribulations of raising children IN A WARM SUNNY CLIMTATE. Believe me – that makes a big difference. You and your kids will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.

  3. Brenda Bravo-Kapper says:

    Are you murdering beetles everyday? That is the only thing I will never miss about the tropics- the bugs. Otherwise, your life sounds great. Espero que estes avanzando con la lengua hispana. The fancy vocab is due to spellcheck.

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