A day of “Oh Dear God”s…

Yesterday was a day when I repeatedly started thoughts in my head with “oh dear God”.

First: Oh dear God help us shlep our 2 kids, 2 strollers, 2 car seats, 4 carry-ons, 4 personal items, and 8 pieces of luggage the 300 feet from the curb to the check in desk without incident. And dear God please help me get a good photo of said shelp…

My Mom helped us

My Mom helped us

Second: Oh dear God pleeeeeeeese [insert beggy toddler whine here] have our luggage weigh under 50 pounds.


48 pounds baby! yeah!

Third: Oh dear God please help us get through security without them finding the random liquids I’ve inevitably forgotten. Or having any of us cry. (I’m including the adults here, or the people behind us too)   [I actually like the TSA. The let us through the express lane since we have strollers.  Kids don’t need to take off shoes and they sure do let you in with a lot of extra liquids. I had squeezey packs of babyfood, extra milks and ointment all over my diaper bad.  They never care. They just wiped my hands for explosives. While I was holding my 2 year old. haha]

Fourth: oh dear God please have this plane get off the runway because every single bag of ours is filled stuffed full.


Fifth: Dear God please have my kids get through this flight easily.  Have there be copious snacks and easy naps.

the easiest nap she ever took

the easiest nap she ever took

we tipped this dude $20.  He's got 10 bags on there

we tipped this dude $20


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4 Responses to A day of “Oh Dear God”s…

  1. Lisa Bagchi says:

    Does your shirt read “Take a Chance”? Randomly?

  2. Margarett Rubio says:

    Gracias a Dios todo salio bien. Como los extrano a mis ninos

  3. Diane Palmert says:

    Laura and Trevor were extraordinarily organized. What couldn’t be packed was thrown into my car for shipping!!

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