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Author Archives: Laura
A quick post from Lisa and I..the most obvious difference about our two new hometowns begins… four photos for your viewing pleasure. Mid Septem ber fun looks like this:
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A thanks to my daughter for letting me ‘use her’
I need to thank my blonde haired blue-eyed fearless two-year-old daughter. Every time we go out shopping no matter where we are, she gets reactions from those around us. Particularly the women. “Que lindo!” I hear over and over again. It means … Continue reading
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Tagged blonde, making friends, Mayaguez, neighbors, Puerto Rico, shopping
Intersection dwellers
• Street Scenes • The first week we were here Trevor and I test drove about three different cars. I didn’t admit to the first dealer guy that that was the first time I’d ever driven in Puerto Rico ha ha … Continue reading
A suspicious and untimely friend
Yesterday while my two kids napped I needed to head over to the security guard at the front gate. As I walk to the five short blocks there I was surprised to find someone following me. Surprised and scared. It … Continue reading
Coffee Behind Closed Doors
Being somewhat scattered the first few days here, we have made multiple and repeated runs to various grocery stores. The one I think I’ll frequent the most regularly, Pueblo, I took photos of all the aisle signs so I know … Continue reading
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Tagged coffee, corn, grocery stores, plantains, produce, Puerto Rico
The advice I ignored, and how I’m paying for it
Everything I read about making a major move with kiddos says that I should set up their rooms first. So they have a little place of their own, so the change seems like, well, less of a change. I haven’t … Continue reading
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Tagged international move, moving with kids, new house, preschoolers, Puerto Rico
A day of “Oh Dear God”s…
Yesterday was a day when I repeatedly started thoughts in my head with “oh dear God”. First: Oh dear God help us shlep our 2 kids, 2 strollers, 2 car seats, 4 carry-ons, 4 personal items, and 8 pieces of … Continue reading
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Tagged airplanes, airport, international travel with kids, luggage, travel with kids
Manana a Mayaguez
Tomorrow we move to a country I’ve only been to for three days before. We move to a city I’ve only spent about 4 hours in. To a house I’ve only seen photos of. To a language I’ve studied for … Continue reading
Mama wants to know: “Are we there yet?”
T minus 6 days. It’s only been a little over two months since we made a definite ‘yes’ about moving. Most of the big things have been sold, and now all that remains are details. Clean our house Shipping our … Continue reading
How I organized for an international move
I should be a moving expert by now. I’ve moved 11 times in 17 years. Once was to London, but that international move was just me, an exchange student with three pieces of luggage. Moving a family with two kids … Continue reading