
We spend weekends exploring our new country. Often times it’s the playa (the beach.) Recently after a trip to the beach we went to little fishing town of Boqueron. There’s a main strip by the seashore and it reminded me a little bit of State Street in Madison. Very little bit. But still fun.


It’s a tight squeeze for cars to drive through and there are lots and lots of fun restaurants to try. My family is not seafood lovers by any means. But the margaritas in the area are superb. I highly recommend touring around after you’ve had a couple. HahaIMG_0427



It was the first time we stopped in tourist shops and we ended up with a few touristy kitschy things. A Puerto Rican flag towel, a Puerto Rican flag keychain, and a Puerto Rican sticker. We will now fit in with the locals!

We stopped at the restaurant Galloway’s which is right next to the water and you can feed the fish. Always a bonus for entertaining the kiddos.




No Wisconsin plate 🙁


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2 Responses to Boqueron

  1. Mary P says:

    Is that a breastfeeding mermaid? I think that may be the most awesome breastfeeding art ever! Close second are those ones with Mary squirting Jesus with her whipped out boob. Those are pretty cool too.

    • Laura says:

      Though it looks like she’s still wearing her “shell” bra, It certainly implies breastfeeding to me. I thought it was cool too 🙂

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