I don’t think I’ll ever bike in Puerto Rico. At least around Mayaguez. Oh I see people biking. Quite a bit. Especially on the route to Playa Sucia. But…I’m a bit of a biking snob.

not once have i seen a Tagalong bike or a bike trailer for kids on PR. here we are on the Elroy-Sparta trail on WI
B) I don’t trust the drivers in Puerto Rico to know how to share the road, especially on the busy, skinny streets. There is a small biking path near the Litoral park but it’s very short. I think there are more paths on the north side of the island?
C) Its bloody hot here.
It’s still great for my kiddos to learn how to ride bikes here though. My neighborhood is flat and the sidewalks work well for them.
Oh well. I’ll never forget how to ride a bike right? We can hike here.
Such a shame you don’t have trails. Here in isabela we have the paseo lineal which is about 4 miles long, one way. And hills ROCK!
I’ll have to check that out sometime!