I’m making spicy chikungunya for dinner with a side of shingles

So I had Chikungunya in December and Trevor had Shingles in 2010. We’re one-to-one in the “having survived crazy-painful illness” department. Let’s keep it that way.

Chikungunya can linger in the body for months. FUN!

no more of this

no more of this

Over Christmas the pain hung around my hands and settled nicely into my feet. I had trouble walking. “Put your feet up” people nicely suggested. NO! Oddly enough my feet killed more when I put them back on the floor after having them raised. Mornings were killer. Knives in feet. The longer I stood, the better my feet felt.

Good thing I have to get up outta my chair like, three times every dinner.

Happy to report, the pain has subsided and I can actually take jogs again now. huzzah! Though I still hobble like an old lady some days.

Remind me never to get arthritis.  On second though, I won’t need reminding.

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One Response to I’m making spicy chikungunya for dinner with a side of shingles

  1. Carlitos says:

    I’ve heard it can come back over a period of three years. Sure hope you don’t suffer too much more. Hugs all around.

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