Last Wednesday was an anxious, all consuming day. I watched Irma topple over Puerto Rico from Google’s live radar and we watched the Weather Station on TV more than ever before (side note – Dear Weather Station: Puerto Rico is part of the United States. So are the US Virgin Islands. So every time you dramatically stated that Irma could make landfall in the US next Saturday (when it would hit Florida) we all kinda felt forgotten)
Only moving about 14 miles per hour, we were happy to see Irma float north over PR with very little effect on Mayaguez. Not surprisingly the island lost it’s electrical power, water and internet. I was surprised by the organization of the internet company in keeping us updated on their progress.

Almost all damage was in the east and north.

a cute meme I shared with my friends
Thank you God, very little damage occurred in our city and neighborhood. Downed branches were about the extent of it. Many of my neighbors keep me informed when the power, water and internet returned Friday afternoon. Three days without power – I’m actually impressed. I saw some videos on Facebook of the crazy maneuvering the AEE power company had to perform.
Our return flights were rerouted because we were scheduled to layover in Miami, but we returned to a hot and thankfully unscathed home Saturday night.

Internet availability update
Crazy week. I’m glad to be back to relative normal (not all places have water yet – like my gym this morning).
So glad your home was untouched and you and family are well!
Thanks so much!
Do you think you guys will stay for Maria?
Yeah. We used up our emergency funds haha