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- Cynthia on Is Puerto Rico loud or is it just me?
- Laura on Speed bump passive aggressive battles
- Laura on Trains: Quest for tunnels
- Pedro Antonio Garcia Morales on Speed bump passive aggressive battles
- Elmer on Trains: Quest for tunnels
Author Archives: Laura
It’s a gas!
I like to roll with whatever Puerto Rico deals to me. Adventure is the reason we moved here. But, maybe besides the DMV, the one thing that I will always gripe about are the gas stations. Let me explain… The … Continue reading
A Day in the Life on a Carribean island – WITH KIDS
I subscribe to this blog. And today I read the post about a day in her tropical life. It sounds fantastic. I should move to a tropical island so I can blog about lazy days like that. Oh wait… I … Continue reading
How to get your yearly car inspection and license sticker in 25 easy steps
1) notice that the sticker on your windshield expires in a week 2) have your knowledgeable neighbors explain the crazy process of getting a new one 3) head reluctantly to CESCO (the DMV). 4) get in info line 5) Have … Continue reading
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Tagged auto expreso, car renewal, CESCO, DMV, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
A day at the lake
There are no natural lakes in Puerto Rico, but I have heard the man made lakes are very pretty. Lago Dos Bocas was a bit of a drive, albeit an easy one. And pretty it was. I made reservations at … Continue reading
A privileged excuses for boarder crossing
I read magazines at the beach. Today I read National Geographic’s article about the Syrian refugees fleeing into Turkey. And I thought, how blessed am I to easily cross boarders by choice with leisure preparation and settle in nicely to … Continue reading
Google translate
I love Star Trek. Dare I admit, I was obsessed in high school. (Yes I’ve been to conventions). My iPhone cover looks like a triquarter. So needless to say, the fact that I can whip out my phone and find … Continue reading
Good Friday. AKA Beach Friday
When I was a kid Good Friday meant going to a long mass at church. And no meat. There are probably aspects of those traditions here, but when I ask the locals what’s the tradition on Good Friday? They all … Continue reading
Posted in beaches
Slip sliding away (in Salto Curet…)
After reading a couple of websites and getting some personal accounts of the waterfalls named Salto Curet, I felt really confident about taking my family and another dad and his young child there for a day trip. My friend and … Continue reading
Observations from behind the wheel
Yesterday on the way to school I saw three people riding horses bareback in the road. I had to slow down and swerve. You know, the usual. Today I saw the grass next to the road was on fire producing … Continue reading
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