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- Pedro Antonio Garcia Morales on Speed bump passive aggressive battles
- Elmer on Trains: Quest for tunnels
Author Archives: Laura
Mayaguez Zoo
Knowing it would be hard to beat the nationally known Milwaukee County Zoo, or the free Henry Vilas Zoo in Madison, we thought we’d check out the Mayaguez Zoo with our new friend’s from D’s school. It’s the only one … Continue reading
Ruta Panoramica
It’s there on the map. A faint purple line that transects the entire island. The Panoramic Route through the mountains. We’re mountain driving pros, right? Let’s go see what we see. The route starts/ends in Mayaguez so it was an … Continue reading
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Tagged Maricao, Mayaguez, Panoramic Route, Puerto Rico, Ruta Panoramica
I have chikungunya
Little did I know when I wrote my last post about Chikungunya that I already had it. Started with some joint pain in my thumb. Then my entire spine hurt, then hips. Crappy, searing pain. Last night I went to … Continue reading
Thoughts on being a white minority
One of the reasons we moved to Puerto Rico was to give our kids a broader experience of the world. To experience diversity, learn another language, and live among people who are different, yet like us. What would it be … Continue reading
Chikungunya. Hard to say, nasty to get. A mosquito bites you. You get a fever, then your joints ache something fierce. Which can stick with you and flair up for 6-12 months. Fun! So far the outbreaks have been mostly … Continue reading
Cafes: the continuing search
My daughter has been helping me continue my search for the best cafe in Mayaguez. Or rather, she comes along because I promise a snack. The rather small with crazy parking cafe called “Clara’s” was an instant hit. Friendly staff … Continue reading
Accion de Gracias
After resigning myself to the fact that my family would be on our own for Thanksgiving, I got an email from William at the 11th hour asking if we’d join his holiday gathering. The Universe provides! I was so excited! … Continue reading
3 months aqui
According to Dr. Karp babies have a “4th trimester” after being born. A time when they acclimate to the world. It feels like we’ve just finished our “4th trimester” as a family. This week marks our three month anniversary of … Continue reading
Parallelogram: English as a Second Language, UPDATE!
\One experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Laura\Mayaguez What have you been doing to practice your new language since you moved? Listening to Pimsler audios but that didn’t usually work very well with screaming kids in the background. I have … Continue reading