Missed the boat to Guilligans Island

My sister visited last weekend and we had the casual idea of taking the ferry to Guilligans Island which is south of Ponce. Well, after 11am seems to be too late to catch the boat. So we had a snack at the restaurant whose name is wholly unmemorable.

A zero hour tour

Cute decor. Lousy food. Fun ambiance. Scary baños. Ew.


And the all the signs. Everywhere.  Blocking up the scenery breaking my mind. Do this, don’t do that can’t you read the signs???



dont sit on the table!

Someday we’ll get there early enough to go to Guilligans Island.



to the dock


puppies were sleeping under the tables


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One Response to Missed the boat to Guilligans Island

  1. Barbara Schutt says:

    Aww, too bad you missed the ferry! We’ve been to the island and it can be a lot of fun. The water is so clear for snorkeling. We didn’t eat at that restaurant. We actually stayed in Guanica a few times and then in the San Jacinto are just past the entrance to Gilligan’s. Nice community 🙂

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