More strange and amusing

you just wouldn’t see this letter combo in the States


boat food cart


tee hee. mustache


I saw this and was concerned enough to put it into Google translate. The police will be rounding up what? oooo…stray horses. good to know


the sign says “for sale”. i I’d buy the rock.

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2 Responses to More strange and amusing

  1. Cassandra says:

    Hi Laura!

    I’ve really enjoyed your blog! I might have stayed up util 1am reading it last night! We just moved to PR last week from California and we’re so excited about the adventures ahead of us. We’re currently staying in Carolina but we have some property in Rincon we’ll be working on over the next few months and hopefully will be able to move out there before the end of the year. I’ve been reading a lot of PR blogs and your’s is one of the more entertaining, enthusiastic, and informative I’ve come across (especially the DMV!) I look forward to hearing more about your adventures and I can’t get over how stinkin’ cute your kids are! Thanks from a rookie Puerto Rican!

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