Trains: Tren Urbano

As you know, my son loves trains. And there aren’t any running in Puerto Rico.


Tren Urbano!  yippee! It’s a one line metro train in San Juan.  We drove 2.5 hours to San Juan to pick up Nana, so we spend an afternoon riding the train. Where to? Didn’t matter. We were on a train!!!

unnamed2We picked up the train at the Martinez Nadal Station where there was tons of parking. It was a Sunday so it was especially empty.

Score – kids ride free! At least those in the preschool crowd. Adults were only $2.50 each. Cheap afternoon.IMG_0032A worker yelled at P and I for crossing over the yellow line and getting to close to the track. Then she kept a close eye on us.  She would’ve shuttered to have seen me stand about 6 inches from the tube train when it arrived in the London stations when I lived there. But I was 19 then, and nothing could happen to me.IMG_0029

We road all the way to the end of the line. Sometimes the train was an elevated train, sometimes a subway. BONUS! Much to P’s dismay, we didn’t even have to get off the train to reverse the other way. She was so confused as to why we were just riding the train.


Must check this park out next time


A fun, safe, entertaining thing to do for train loving kids.


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2 Responses to Trains: Tren Urbano

  1. Brenda Bravo-Kapper says:

    Your children are adorable. And the photography is great. I’m really enjoying your adventures.

  2. Pingback: Bummin’ around San Juan |

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