Accion de Gracias

After resigning myself to the fact that my family would be on our own for Thanksgiving, I got an email from William at the 11th hour asking if we’d join his holiday gathering.
The Universe provides! I was so excited!
Who’s William you ask? A total stranger. He’s got a blog. I’ve got a blog. We were bound to meet sooner or later. And I’m glad for it.
So when my son D puked first thing the morning of Thanksgiving, I was more saddened by the fact that we might have to cancel our new Thanksgiving plans than I was about my poor lad being sick. (I’m a great mom). But D seemed to recover by noon so we were good to go.

the view!!

the view!!

William’s Rincon house was lovely. Views, airy light, aromatic food, and other friendly ex-pats for us to meet.
But, schmoozing had to wait as when we arrived our kids stuck to us like barnacles. Scared barnacles. P whined and laid down on the floor. D insisted that we carry his 4 year old self around. I think they were ready to eat!

P made herself right at home

P made herself right at home

I couldn’t have asked for a more enjoyable holiday dinner. William and Jenn have great kids and friends. It was relaxing and fun to talk to them all.  Interesting to be around other people that view moving your family to places like Puerto Rico from their otherwise normal lives as a natural and easy thing to do. Well, easy is relative. They seem to be adventurous, life loving people like us. And that was good energy to be around.

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Ms. P and Mr. D loved their daughter Madison. And all the way home to Mayaguez P kept repeating, “Adios Madison”. Today D asked “When will we see Wisconsin again?” It took me a moment to realize he meant the girl Madison. HAHA 4 year olds crack me up.


Kids finally relaxing and having a blast


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3 Responses to Accion de Gracias

  1. Diane says:

    Okay, Laura, I’ve been reading your blog for, like, hours now, because we moved here last September, so I can totally relate to everything except the, yeesh, Chikunguya or however you spell it… Yikes! Anyway, we spent our first Thanksgiving here too without knowing anyone (we live in Dorado). So rather than obsess about all the Thanksgiving parties we weren’t invited to (if they even existed), we thought, hey, let’s go to Rincon for the weekend, stay at some coastal hotel and do their Thanksgiving dinner. Which we did. And it was mostly Thanksgiving-ish food with a Puerto Rican twist, but the weather was wonderful, the staff was so nice, Rincon is funky cool, and we had a great time. Now, about this William thing… Okay so I have a blog too, even though it’s horribly out of date because before we came to Puerto Rico we thought we might move to Chile… Whatever. I’m just saying maybe you could score us an invite to William’s for next Thanksgiving because this Rincon for Thanksgiving tradition is pretty awesome, and his view looks amazing. I love a good view. Plus I can bring gluten-free stuffing (yeah, I miss Whole Foods too). Just keep that all in mind for next year… 🙂

    • Laura says:

      Haha…will do. We just had dinner with them at a restaurant in Mayaguez last weekend. Super nice people. I look forward to meeting up with you in a few weeks!

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