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- Laura on Trains: Quest for tunnels
- Pedro Antonio Garcia Morales on Speed bump passive aggressive battles
- Elmer on Trains: Quest for tunnels
Author Archives: Laura
Why did the horse cross the road?
Caballo. That means horse in Spanish. Back home in Wisconsin we would have deer crossing the highway. Sadly sometimes cars hit them and sometimes in the spring you find the deer carcass thawing in a pile of snow next to … Continue reading
We spend weekends exploring our new country. Often times it’s the playa (the beach.) Recently after a trip to the beach we went to little fishing town of Boqueron. There’s a main strip by the seashore and it reminded me … Continue reading
A new Paris in Puerto Rico
There’s a new Paris in Puerto Rico. Whenever I watched sitcoms and the neighbor kid would wander into the house all the time, I always thought it was so fake. Nobody ever did that. Until there was Paris. Our last … Continue reading
Search for a cafe
I used to hang out at a lot of cafes. Even my kids dig going to them. I searched online and didn’t really find any cafes listed in Mayaguez. I didn’t expect to find one with a fireplace, plush seating … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged cafe, Camille's Sidewalk Cafe, coffee, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Trains: Quest for tunnels
My son loves trains. We used to walk on the railroad tracks in Wisconsin and hear the train whistles from our house. ‘Twas so saddening to tell him there are no trains in our new city. It was with excitement … Continue reading
Posted in trains in Puerto Rico
Tagged Aguadilla, kids, Parque Cristobal Colon, Puerto Rico, Quebradillas, trains, Tunel de Guajataca, tunnel
Random funny pics
Random photos of cute/funny/interesting things. I snap a ton of pics 🙂
White knuckle drive to school
No one walks to my son’s school. Why? D’s new Montessori school is up in the hills. No, it’s in the mountains. Like, my ears pop on the drive up. It’s 8 degrees cooler up there. We don’t live on … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged curvy roads, driving, montessori, mountain, Puerto Rico, stray dogs
Although I’m not keen on the term, I guess I led a pretty granola life in Madison. As Trevor once pointed out the first thing we bought in Whole Foods was always granola. And with him being gluten intolerant that … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged gluten free, granola, health food, Mayaguez, natural food, organic, Puerto Rico
Adventures in Salsaland
As a way of continuing to find a new balance with social life, family, community and fitness, I decided to Google salsa dance in Mayaguez. I didn’t come up with any definite answers but a guy we met on the … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Bullpen, Puerto Rico, salsa, salsa dancing, San German, swing dancing
finding an iglesia in Puerto Rico
When my Dad and Step-mom were here we took the kids to mass at the Catholic church in the Mayaguez town square. Pretty church. Your typical mass – the Catholic mass is standard no matter what language. Since it is … Continue reading