Coffee fest, bent forks


I drove my neighbor and my mom to Maricao for the End of the Coffee Season Fiesta. My first time!



The region around Maricao has a lot of coffee farms. People were promoting 100% Puerto Rican coffee


It wasn’t too busy on Friday afternoon. Pretty flowers hanging from bamboo trellis

Our first coffee


Over a coffee vendor.


He made my Mom’s frappe

My Mom and her frappe. In the rain.

My Mom and her frappe. In the rain.


We bought her lotions made with red wine!


There was a one room museum with posters about the coffee growers, the history of coffee, and Puerto Rican coffee facts.


I thought there would be more info/demonstrations/products involving coffee. The festival was mostly a big arts and crafts show with food vendors. Perhaps on Saturday and Sunday during the main event there is more like this. No coffee soap? Totally woulda been on that. 🙂


I bought a t-shirt from this nice guy


these are cute!

The bathrooms were the kind in my reoccurring childhood bathroom dreams. yuck. I even walked into the men’s bathroom.  No better. Porto potties near the parking area helped.  BYOTP.


Look at my friend’s smile!


My friend and her cutie patooty baby

Did the artist use the force or was he a gifted one from the Matrix? My bended fork bracelet was made by a guy from Connecticut. But he was so nice to speak slow Spanish to me I didn’t guess that he was a gringo until he told me. How nice of him to let me practice Spanish!

Just walk down this creepy street from the paid parking lot to the fiesta. Every one of these houses was empty. It felt like an abandoned neighborhood after a nuclear blast. Or at least that’s how I imagined it!

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3 Responses to Coffee fest, bent forks

  1. Barbara Schutt says:

    My goodness, you look so much like your mother! I love Cassie’s big smile…it makes you want to smile, too. This festival looks like a lot of fun.

  2. Aine says:

    I am sure you hear this all the time, but your mother looks exactly like you. (Or, I guess, the other way around.) A coffee festival is something I completely support!

  3. Pingback: Festival de la Piña |

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