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Tag Archives: Montreal
Parallelogram: Top Ten Things That Matter, Six Months Later
\One experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Lisa\Montreal My family moved from Madison, Wisconsin to Montreal, Quebec last August. Here are my TOP TEN THINGS THAT MATTER, SIX MONTHS LATER: The farmer’s market is open all year-round and I know how … Continue reading
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Tagged 6 months, bilingual, driving, english, expats, Mayaguez, Montreal, organic, preschool, preschoolers, Spanish
Parallelogram: Waste Post Post Haste
\One experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Laura\Mayaguez Let’s talk about garbage… Garbage trucks are just as exciting in Mayaguez as they were in Madison. Except these garbage men do it old school and walk behind the truck, manually dumping … Continue reading
Parallelogram: A Matter of Conveyance
\One experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Lisa\Montreal With winter well upon us, I am struggling to get from points A to B. I now know where I’m going, I just don’t know how I’m getting there. Snow means the … Continue reading
Parallelogram: Kissing Perfect Strangers
\One experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Laura\Mayaguez How do the locals greet each other? Men shake hands with other men. Women give a little kiss on the right cheek. I assume men and women kiss likewise but I don’t … Continue reading
Parallelogram: Thanks Giving Away
\One experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Lisa\Montreal This is your first Thanksgiving away from Madison. If you were still there, how would you celebrate? Unless we were invited to someone else’s Thanksgiving, we would not celebrate on our own. … Continue reading
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Tagged ex-pat, holidays, in-laws, Madison, Mayaguez, Montreal, relocation, Thanksgiving
Parallelogram: English as a Second Language, UPDATE!
\One experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Laura\Mayaguez What have you been doing to practice your new language since you moved? Listening to Pimsler audios but that didn’t usually work very well with screaming kids in the background. I have … Continue reading
Parallelogram: My New Neighborhood
\One ex-pat experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Laura\Mayaguez Tell me about your old Madison, Wisconsin neighborhood. We rented a house on the west side of Madison. Quiet, friendly, beautiful, playgrounds abounding, with ‘secret’ walking trails that wound behind the … Continue reading
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Tagged crime, ex-pat, gated community, graffiti, Madison, Mayaguez, Montreal, neighbors, parenthood, Plateau, security
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Parallelogram: What to Wear Here
\One ex-pat experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Laura\Mayaguez As I observe Mayaguez/Puerto Rico I find that I cannot pigeonhole the clothing style. As no one could of any city lest they overly generalize. However if I had to make … Continue reading
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Tagged breastfeeding, ex-pat, fashion, Mayaguez, Montreal, motherhood, style
Parallelogram: Hello? Is this Halloween On?
\One ex-pat experience explored from two points-of-view\ \\ Lisa\Montreal I decorated the front of our house for Halloween the last weekend in September. I’m not a lunatic – I’m not Roseanne – it was just the last warm weekend we’ll … Continue reading